Tuesday, August 23, 2005


First off, this doesn't really fit my definition of a meme, not really. No, I'm not posting an example of what I think is one, because I kind of hate the idea. But think of "what Pokemon are you?" I suppose this fits the standard definition of "meme," but hey, screw that.

Credit goes to the father.

10 years ago today: August 22, 1995
Like the father, living in St. Louis, just entering my sophomore year in high school. Probably one of the more confusing, but generally happier times of my life, I suppose. Half-dating Mandy, at this point, I believe, though I think at this point, that relationship was on its way out.

5 years ago today: August 22, 2000
Probably about to start my second term at Decipher. Probably hopelessly depressed over one of the several times Gwen broke up with me. Probably not one of the generally happier times in my life.

1 year ago today: August 22, 2004
Definitely not one of the generally happier times in my life. Just moving out of the house in Brentwood, if I remember right, which wasn't so bad. Huge amount of doubt and insecurity. Generally speaking, August is not a good month for me. Bittersweet memories of 3 years ago.

yesterday: August 21, 2005
Recovering from migraine, playing DAoC, worrying about car, trying to relax and failing amidst a wave of pain coming from various parts of my head.

tomorrow: August 23, 2005
Elding Vakten!

5 snacks I enjoy
Venti mocha is not a snack, dad, it's a drink. Drinks aren't snacks. Little Debbie Fudge Rounds, anything with the word "brownie" in it, barbecue potato or corn chips of some variety, toasted ravioli, pizza.

5 bands that I know most of their lyrics
I dunno that I can fill this category...Nine Inch Nails, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Linkin Park, and...uh...Eminem, I guess.

5 things I'd do with a million $$
Mitsubishi 3000GT, house in south county, 8 computer LAN for some multiplayer action, or just to copy TW, a house and security for my parents in St. Louis.

5 places I'd run away to
Virginia Beach, so long as my parents are there, Canada (hey, I've done that before), Spain (for no really good reason, other than I need 5), DAoC (I do that too much), waiting arms (there's gotta be a sappy response in all of these.)

5 bad habits I have
Stressing out over things I can't control, procrastination, feeling the need to defend my own intelligence, being shy, avoiding conflict.

5 things I like doing
Driving, sleeping, playing DAoC, talking to parents, talking to anyone else.

5 things I wouldn't wear
Bra, panties, garters, tampons, nipple rings.

5 TV shows I love
24, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, M*A*S*H, Good Eats

5 movies I love
Tombstone, Rounders, Closer, Training Day, Clerks

5 famous people I'd like to meet
Elisha Cuthbert (does drooling count as meeting?), George Bush (would get thrown in jail shortly thereafter), Albert Pujols, Torry Holt, Mark McGwire (see entry for George Bush)

5 biggest joys at the moment
Sleeping, the cute blonde that comes into the gas station once a week, Sudoku puzzles, talking with someone who speaks English as a native language, the fact that my roommate thinks I'm his best friend when I despise him.

5 favorite toys
Legos, my PC, my iBook, my DVD player, my new light-up keyboard.

And I'm not doing the tagging thing, because it's dumb.

While I disagree with the concept of getting other people to do these things, I don't disagree with the kind of thought that it provokes. Gwen once sent me one of these things, telling me to fill it out, which involved me protesting for about 5 e-mails, until she told me that she wouldn't respond to another e-mail until I filled it out. I blah'ed my way through the thing, and she told me to do it again, so I did, and it's interesting, to me, how much it can help you figure things out.

And moreso by the answers you don't give than the answers you do.

Several of the answers above are not entirely true, there are worse or better things I choose not to reveal to anyone else. Some of them are answers that would never have revealed in any "public" forum a few years ago. I think that's the most interesting part of these things.


Blogger Shocho said...

Well, that's the thing, isn't it. I don't usually do these things either, but I gave it a shot. It was more work than I had thought at the outset, and more rewarding than I figured too. Thanks for the sharing and stuff. :)

4:27 AM  
Blogger thisismarcus said...

Schocho was also entering his sophomore year of college in 1995? Somehow that surprises me!

11:03 AM  

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