Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Episode IV: A New Hope

Dunno about the Hope part, but it seems as good a title as any...

Anyway, for a first post, I guess I should lay out my ground rules, such as that is. Since this blog is intended for other people more than it is intended for me, I guess it should be populated with stuff more intended for other people to see. Most likely, it will be amusing anecdotes about life in St. Louis, probably more than my fair share of gaming references, and being pissed about random things that aren't worth being pissed about.

I've always found blogging to be a rather weird phenomenon. If you think of blogging in terms of real life, we are the annoying whackos sitting on a street corner, just spouting random crap that have nothing to do with anything. And yet, somehow, people manage to develop what could be called a fan base. It could also be equated to some obscure art circle, wherein only the members of the circle really "get it." Thy are the only ones who ever make comments about the circle itself, while unintentionally ostracizing people, in that friendly "you remember that time with that thing and that guy?" kind of way.

I also ramble, in case you haven't noticed...

The few quotes lately which have seemed to define my life, then I'll move on and browse random WoW sites until the mood strikes me to write some more:

"If life's not beautiful without the pain, then I'd rather never...see beauty again." -- Modest Mouse, "The View"

Paraphrased: "Your first love never truly goes away." -- How to Deal

Ditto: "I'm scared because I care about you, and that means you can hurt me." -- How to Deal

Alright, I guess I lied about the less melodrama portion of our program...

"You are conspiring against family, you are no longer part of family." -- Rodger, former coworker and current roommate, impersonating Shiraz, current boss, commenting on his weird habit of telling everyone we're part of a family, yet screaming incessantly about us conspiring to bring him down.


Blogger Shocho said...

That quote from Shiraz sounds very close to Soup Nazi logic to me.

Welcome to the Blogosphere. Again.

7:24 AM  
Blogger Kindralas said...

Yeah, the dude's a pretty good guy, he's a trip, though...

8:44 AM  

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